It’s just a tire

A glimpse into what God has been teaching me:

There’s an issue that I know we all deal with— kids and adults alike. But before I divulge what it is, let me share the last two weeks of my motorcycle fiasco.

I have a motorcycle and we’ve been having some issues (understatement). I noticed my rear tire was bad and needed replacing (like the threads are visible bad). So on a Thursday, my friend took my bike to a shop I found online but had never been to. Long story short, this “shop” was not a shop at all. It was a random house. . overgrown grass. . no signs. . not answering the phone. Naturally, this was frustrating but there is more to the story.

The following day I got off early, loaded up my bike, and went to a reputable bike shop that I’ve been to before. $250 later I had a new back tire professionally mounted [Tire #1]. I was good to go!

The next day rolls around and guess what I realize. I had been rolling around alright— right onto a nail?! I had a nail in a tire that was < 24 hrs old. I was not in the least happy but I was thrilled nothing went awry while I was driving.

So the next Monday comes (2 business days from the 1st new tire), and I go to the shop again. $250 later we have another new tire and I’m back in action [Tire #2]. 24 hrs go by and I’ve just gotten home from riding. Trying to be more vigilant about inspecting my bike, I assess my tires as I put my bike away in my garage. Guess what?? Another nail in a tire less than a day old. I stood there, mouth dropped, and in awe as I pulled another nail out [Tire #3]. All I could do was laugh. 

Immediately, God reminded me that I should be thankful that it didn’t go flat while driving 70 mph on the interstate. <After all, you only have two tires on a bike. One bad tire = no bueno> He reminded me that I should be content with what He’s doing and how He’s doing it. Having motorcycle issues and buying 3 new tires in a week is a blessing (as crazy as it sounds). Though not what I asked for, the truth of the matter is that some families in other countries don’t make that in a year. 

One, two, or ten things in your life that aren’t going as planned is not a excuse for you to become bitter and discontent. Instead, you have the choice to remain joyful. If it seems as though everything in your life is going wrong, keep looking because I promise you have much to be thankful for. Fight for contentment and joy! After all, no matter how big or small your problem is— it’s really just a tire.

Soli deo gloria,


(P.S. The 3rd tire replacement was rewarded with grace from the bike repair shop {my labor costs were waived}. Additional lesson: when you find someone who does great work stick with them and don’t waste your time elsewhere. Lesson learned!)

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