Small but mighty

We are called to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. This is a passage that I have had memorized for >5 yrs. But yesterday as I was reciting it out loud to myself, I kept saying “quick to speak.” Immediately it felt weird and I thought, “that can’t be right.” I then realized that this was a reminder from God of what I so often do. (God is slick and has a sense of humor like that.)

Being quick witted, a problem solver, and sarcastic (though sounding like the ultimate trifecta) has its challenges as well. I ALWAYS have a well thought out response (or so I think) in 0.36 sec.

I can usually see pretty quickly the most efficient way to accomplish a task. Obviously this is helpful but only when appropriate.

Like ol Clive Staples Lewis reminded me, instincts are not inherently bad. They all have a place but it depends on when/where that should be. C.S. says,

“Think once again of a piano. It has not got two kinds of notes on it, the “right” notes and the “wrong” notes. Every single note is right at one time and wrong at another.”

By God’s grace we learn when it is appropriate to speak and when we should first listen.

As has been alluded to, one of my biggest struggles is with controlling my tongue. As I was reminded in service last week, the tongue has disproportionate power. Similar to a ship being controlled by a small rudder, the small tongue can control/steer our life and the ones around us. Its destructive potential is real.

If we are all honest with ourselves, we can second this truth. I’m going to guess that I’m not the only one who has said things, only later to regret. 

It might seem as though this isn’t a big deal but it’s even more serious than it looks. Luke reminds us that out of the abundance of our heart our mouths speak.

Translation: Whatever is in you heart will spill out when you are bumped (stressed, tired, challenged, etc); our words clearly show what is inside us. So when we don’t speak how we should, we are showing that we don’t have a tongue problem; we have a heart problem.

<<Hard truth: If you speak mean/hurtful/selfish comments, what does that show is in your heart?>>

No one walking the planet can/has ever/will ever wholly control the tongue. We just don’t have the power to do it. But there is hope. . .

You can’t tame your tongue but God can change your heart.

Our only hope is to let God change us and that starts from the inside. As He continues to change the inside, the outside (how we talk and respond) will necessarily change as well.

But it’s not just what we say. As a friend has recently been reminding me, “It’s not what we say but how we say it.” Our delivery as well as our mannerisms need to also be drenched in kindness. It’s not enough to speak the truth if it’s not delivered in love.

When I don’t act in this manner, why is that? Mainly it’s because I would rather be “right” than graciously foster the relationship. When this choice is made, the rift between two parties is only widened. Don’t let selfishness, pride, and being “right” handicap the growth of your dearest connections.

So what am I learning these days?

John, you don’t know everything. . . your perception isn’t exactly reality. . . you’re not always right.

In conclusion,

I suck

God’s not surprised

He offers a remedy (His son)

The choice to rightly use your tongue is readily available. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Lets choose life!


**Much of my thoughts are from notes from Mark Irving’s 3/3/19 sermon. It really got the thinking juices flowing. I would love to hear what you’re learning these days— reach out!!

Magnificent Monotony

Monotony is not a word that elicits warm feelings. Conversely, it almost always has a negative connotation attached to it. I am unable to recount a single instance where I have heard it used in an affirmative manner—that is until a couple weeks ago.

In a book by Brennan Manning entitled The Ragamuffin Gospel, the second chapter is named “Magnificent Monotony.” Pretty interesting word to label God with but does it fit? Does it make sense for a Christ follower to describe God in this manner? I could see someone with an opposite worldview using the term but someone who attests to the teachings of Christ??. . . Doesn’t seem right.

Manning uses this word because, by definition, it does indeed fit. Synonyms for the word include: tedious sameness. . uniform. . consistent. All of these definitions help to describe God’s character. But even more than that, it expounds upon His love, which is clearly evidenced by his grace shown to us.

So what is grace?

Definition: the unmerited <ie unearned and therefore necessarily undeserved> favor from God towards us.

God shows grace to us all. Giving us life—grace. Any glimmer of health you have—grace. When we intentionally sin—grace. When we struggle to follow His precepts—grace. After we give in for the 1000th time to the same sin—grace. When we are walking upright and how He’s called us—grace. When our faith is thinner than wet toilet paper—grace. When God chooses to say no to a specific prayer—grace. When we doubt His plan—grace. When we don’t know if He’s actually there—grace.

The list can go on and on. Name what you want, God is still the same and His grace is present for us despite how “bad” we sin or how “good” we are currently doing. God’s grace towards us does not change. He will continue in sameness, uniformity, and consistency. He doesn’t change despite how we act towards Him or how we mess up. We can’t “out sin” His store of grace (or forgiveness). If you think about it, we wouldn’t want it any other way. This is exactly the grace we want (need). A grace we can’t “run dry.” A grace still standing despite our suckiness. Praise God for His magnificent monotony clearly shown through His grace to us!



**What’s another example of monotony? . . The freedom we’re blessed to experience due to the sacrifice of so many fellow citizens. The monotony of our armed forces is comforting and a huge reason why America is such a great nation. So thankful for the blessing of being called an American citizen. Thank you to those who gave it all on our behalf!

Sin=Problem, Jesus=Answer

I challenge you to name one problem in the world where the cause doesn’t boil back down to sin. Be it the lack of respect for life by ISIS, be it the obvious disparity in education based on socioeconomic class, be it the senseless killing of innocent individuals, be it the blatant disregard for the good we know in our hearts that we should do. . .

Be it our sickening concern only for ourselves/family, be it our breaking of promises we swore to keep, be it our judging of people who sin different than us . . .

Or maybe it’s our denial that anything about us needs changing, or our use of others only for our pleasure, or our frequent actions of lying, or our quickness to point out a problem with no effort to enact a solution, or our commercialization of the greatest story ever told (i.e. Jesus’ coming).

If we’re honest we fall in there somewhere. But all of this and more is why this is the best time of the year. It has ZERO to do with snow, Christmas trees, or soon-to-be-old presents. It has everything to do with Christ and what Christmas represents.

Christmas represents a new beginning. An inauguration of the kingdom that will one day be fully in place. It points to the promise that one day all that is broken in the world will be fixed. Where the Messiah who came humbly as a baby, to be “God with us” (Emmanuel), will rule unopposed. This is why I’m excited about Christmas and the reminder this season presents. Change is possible and one day soon all of creation will be changed and redemption will be complete. Oh for that day!

Could’ve Been Me: Thoughts on the Vandy Rape Trial

**My prayer is that my heart will be plainly seen through this expression of what’s been on my mind. I pray it clearly comes across how it was intended. Hope I’ve treaded lightly on this extremely serious topic.**

Most of us are aware of the “Vandy Rape trial” that has been plastered virtually everywhere in the news medium. (If you haven’t, Google it. It is 2015, after all, and that’s a perk of being around now.) Neither the incident nor the facts that surround it are important. God just used this case to convict me of some things.

Two of the involved football players were found guilty on all charges. In the last few nights, a video was leaked showing some footage of the unconscious victim being transported to the apparent crime scene. As I imagined many people’s reaction, it became evident what most people would say (including me):

“How could anyone do something like that?”

“What type of person would treat another person like that?” etc, etc.

Both timely questions, but somehow missing the satisfaction of an appropriate answer. If there is anything I know well, it is that sin is a problem (and we all have it). I know all too well that I am sinful. The sin that allowed those men to do that crime, I have that same sin seed in me. And because of that, I can not say that I could not possibly have done the same thing. (Allow that to sink in. This is the crux of this post.) Why?? Because we all have ingrained in us, naturally and by default, a sin problem. That same disgusting, selfish, deplorable, wicked, sin problem is more than alive and living in me (us).

I can think back to times when I have been my most deceitful. When I have been my most conniving. When I have been my most rude. When I have lead/participated in the picking on of someone “weaker”, “smaller”, or “less talented” than myself. (And those are just a few of my committed sins. That’s not counting my sins of omission.) We are nowhere near as blameless as we would like to admit.

As I stop and reflect on these moments, I think, “How could I ever have done that? Why would I ever have done that?” (Sound familiar?) It’s in these moments that I am reminded (not because I’ve forgotten but I like to overlook) that sin is rampant within me. Therefore I could easily be that person who did _______.

Here are two helpful quotes on sin:

“Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer
than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.”

“Not only does sin have consequences, but also each time we sin, we reinforce a pattern that becomes harder and harder to break. If we persist in sin with the thought that one day we will get right with God, we should remind ourselves that God may still be there to forgive and restore but we may not be.”

My prayer is that I (we) don’t come across as pharisaical and “holier-than-thou.” But that, instead, I can continue to need Christ every day. Not only to save me but to keep saving me from myself and the sin nature that is in me. This begins by admittance that I am more sinful than I have ever confessed. Because of sin, I am more than convinced that I am capable. . that I have the capacity. . that I have the evil, selfishness, and ungodliness needed to do an equivalently atrocious act.

So honestly, I’m much more like these culprits than I care to admit. Much more like them than I am comfortable disclosing. Much more evil than anyone ever sees.

But so often we do see evil. One way is via news outlets. I often wonder what the point of the news is. Does it serve a purpose of good? Is it to inform us so we will know what’s going on?

The majority of the time I don’t think much good comes from it. I think it’s there to scare us. More than anything, the news seems to create fear. But maybe there could be another purpose. As I watched the news last night it made me hate sin. If that is its purpose (and we see it as such) then it is doing a great job.

So to answer the above questions of

“How could anyone do something like that?”

“What type of person would treat another person like that?”

I say a sin-filled person. Because when it comes to sin either you got it or you got it (and trust me, you’ve got it). Based on this truth we are capable of much more sin than we realized. Glory be to God that Christ has come to save us from our default state of sin. Through Him we are able to not only fight, but defeat sin.


Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves {Romans 12:3b}

Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. {John 8:7}

God needing my help? What an oxyMOron

To say that I’m often the worst at consistency in my reading of the Word is an understatement. But this season I have decided to try something that I had previously never tried before. On one of the social media outlets, I randomly saw a 31 day Christmas writing plan. The concept is simple—write out the verses for each day, allowing God to speak to you in the process.

I had a friend who used to use this method to study for school. Honestly, I always thought it was a waste of time. I especially thought it wouldn’t benefit me (partially because my handwriting is AWFUL and I probably wouldn’t be able to read it 10s after writing it). In actuality, it’s another method used to get a message into us (similar to handwriting class notes). It’s actually a genius idea, and one that will yield results. I’m not even a week in, but it is slowing me down so I can hear what He is trying to say to me.

Any who, all that is just back story. Yesterday’s reading (12/5/14) was from Isaiah 40:1-5. What really got me to thinking was verse 3. It is a verse that is repeated in the New Testament by John the Baptist. It reads as such: “A voice cries: In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Now I’ve read about good ol’ Johnny B quoting this verse many of times. Heck, I even know it by heart but rarely until now have I ever really thought about it.

Isaiah is proclaiming that someone is going to prepare the way for the LORD. Think about it for a second. Because when I stopped, I realized the common sense fact that the LORD shouldn’t need anyone to make the way for Him. If there’s not a way, surely the LORD of all people can make a way, right? I had a friend who would say oxyMOron (emphasizing the “MO”). God (infinite, all-powerful, all-knowing) needing a way to be made by a man (finite, the creation, power-limited) seems like an oxyMOron if I ever did hear one.

But let’s be real, real quick. Did God need John (a Christ follower but sin-filled nonetheless) to make the way for the sinless, perfect Christ? Of course not!! But God willed for it to happen in this manner.

He willed to use a man seen as a little different to prepare the people’s heart for Christ. A man who’s example of being in the world but not of the world, should serve as an example for us.

God wills for us as believers to go and spread His good (make that GREAT) news. . be that our household, neighborhood, or the other side of the world.

God also wills to use believers and unbelievers alike, to begin ushering in His kingdom NOW. It blows my mind that God even uses his enemies to see to it that HIS will is not thwarted.

I thank God for going above and beyond what He has to do to utilize a measly, broken vessel like me. He doesn’t need us, but He wants us. Joyfully join in, as He has willed you the privilege to participate in what He’s doing worldwide. Rest assured, that despite the world’s unrest He will redeem—once and for all.



Here’s the pic if you would like to join. Just pic (see what I did there?) up from today or double up a few days and catch up. It’s super easy (obviously. . I can do it). If you don’t have a Bible, Google. Would love to hear from you sometime.

writing plan


Do Not Fear

Walking into the bathroom, minding my own business until, “RHAAAA!!!” My Dad jumps out and scares me. Of course he’s laughing hysterically (naturally, me, not so much). After shrugging it off, it got me to thinking. Mostly about the fact that we are scared (if we’re honest). We are not mostly courageous like we would like to believe. But scared of what?

Well what is your (and my) default response to almost all new situations?


Let’s say a positive change happens. . . Fear.

A negative change. . . Fear.

We get the job we’ve been hoping for. . . Fear.

Start a new relationship. . . Fear.

End an old relationship. . . Fear.


The list can go on and on but we can clearly see our default. Essentially, we are afraid of things we can’t see. But all of this fear (aka doubt, worry, or whatever you wanna call it) is unwarranted.

Luckily, God knows our default position and because of this truth one of the ideas most repeated by Jesus is simply do not fear.

Why??? Because obviously things in this life are going to occur that have fear-creating ability. But before any of that arises God prepares us beforehand (and in the midst of).

Remember, we know what this life will bring (specifically after) and we know that the stuff in the meantime will all work out for our best interest. Therefore, we can be at peace knowing:


nothing can separate us from the love of Christ,


we have no reason (and are commanded not) to be afraid,


our very name is engraved in His hands and He hasn’t forgotten us, and


because of His coming we can have a living hope—so we should live like it.


Jesus is here. He truly is (and was) Emmanuel, “God with us.” He (God) came down here as a man (think about it; it’s wild!!!) and He (God Himself) walked as I walk. He at times felt lonely and forsaken, He hungered, and His heart broke for the world around Him. He too was confused, not knowing how things would work out. If anyone can relate to your fears it’s Christ. Allow all that to bring you comfort as you journey through whatever difficult stage you’re in. Because of Christ you have a choice. Do not fear.


(Sorry it’s been so long. Here are some verses to support the above. Rom 8:31-39/Joshua 1:9/Isaiah 49:15-16/1 Peter 1:3)

He Wants It All

So I’m thoroughly convinced and I know that God wants it all.

Does God just want you when things are going bad in your life and there’s no other hope? . .

Does He just want you when an incredibly tough test is coming up and you’re gonna need His help immensely? . .

Does He just want you when you’re having problems in that relationship? . .

Does He just want you when you’re jobless and you don’t know where you next meal is coming from? Does He just want you when you’re having problems with your children? Does He just want you when there’s unresolved turmoil in your family? Does He just want you when you have no other way to go? . . . . . Is that when He wants you?

Of Course He wants you then. But that’s not all He wants. In actuality, HE WANTS IT ALL.

He wants all of you.

He wants who you are when it’s just you and your spouse. He wants you when you’re in the best season of recent memory in your life. He wants the person you are when you’re around a stranger that you know you’ll never see again. He wants you when you’re driving in the car by yourself and that individual cuts you off. He wants the speech you use when you are around friends who already know you’re a Christ follower. He wants the choices you make that no one else knows about. He wants you when you’re on that computer by yourself. He wants you when you choose to join in with foul language and make that tasteless joke. He wants all of that. He wants you even then.

We think that since we’ve given ourselves to Him, we’ve given enough. But He wants every single waking moment that is us. He would have for you to never choose sin. To never choose your own desires over Him and His plans for you. But all too often that’s not what we give Him.

No, we don’t give Him all. We give Him some. We give Him Sunday mornings. We give Him one night a week. We give Him 10 unfocused minutes of “quiet time” each day. We give to Him when we’re around our pastor or other church people. But no, HE WANTS IT ALL.

God wants it all. He wants all of our speech. He wants all of our actions. He wants our fears and hopes. He wants our past failures. He wants the mistakes we’re gonna make. He wants our blown second chances. He wants our broken relationships. He wants our weird quirks. This is crazy when you stop and think about it. If you’re like me, you know all too well that there are plenty of parts of yourself that even you don’t want. To think that God wants me in all my craziness is mind boggling.

So give Him what He wants. Every area, every thought, and every choice that we submit to His control will bring us one step closer to true peace in Him. He desires this for His glory and your benefit.

Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart and with ALL your soul and with ALL your mind and with ALL your strength. {emphasis mine} -Mark 12.30

Beautiful song that got me thinking. He Wants It All by Forever Jones –>

The Realest Stuff I Ever Wrote (Part 1)

The Realest Stuff I Ever Wrote (Part 1)

As you may have noticed, I haven’t blogged in a long time. Actually, way more time has passed by than I would like. Guess that’s life.

Any who, periodically I want to re-look at some of the ways that God has spoken to me in the past year(ish). Often this is through scripture or a song that formulates thoughts that help me to grasp what He’s teaching. If you’re anything like me, sometimes it’s hard to digest long passages (or even blogs). But you give me a few verses or a few sentences of truth and I can usually handle that. This is an effort to capture just that. I never have anything worth hearing on my own but God often inspires and gives me stuff that surprises even me. Here are some verses, original thoughts, and the like from the last little bit. Shall we look at some?

  • He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities -Psalm 103:10 #what?! #mercy
  • WAIT for the Lord. You can force it but God’s plan>yours. #WAIT
  • My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness 2 Corinthians 12:9
  • God doesn’t need us. He wants us.
  • Thankful that “a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench . . .” /Isaiah 42:3\
  • Careful, don’t let the things that are for God keep you from God.
  • The Lord WILL fulfill HIS purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. Ps 138:8
  • It’s true if you never feel weak, there’s a problem. Equally important is what (who) you then find your strength in. #YHWH
  • When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalm 56:3 #theFEARevaporator
  • When God says He’ll work all things together for my good, rest assured that by good He means best. #Rom828 #believeit


Be blessed.


Hey you, go do good (though it can’t save you)

All too often I whip through life hyper-focused only on me and what I have to get done (anyone else or is this just me?). I feel like I’m forever in a “Jacob-wrestlin’-with-God-esque” struggle with ol’ Father time. But when I stop and analyze the last week I soon find out that this just isn’t true. There are always times where I was absolutely awful (understatement) with my time management. And this happens everywhere—from work, to the gym, to everyday life. Hey, at least I’m consistent I guess?

The truth is we have a bunch of time (168 hours/10,080 minutes a week to be exact but who’s counting). In fact, we all have the exact same amount of time. It comes down to how we utilize it.

Based on this, naturally, one of the next questions is what are we to do with our time? One answer: good works. Let me explain.

There is a house about five houses down from my house. Every day, I drive by and upon turning on my street I move over to the left side of the road. Why is that you ask (you may not have but you wanted to)? It’s because there has been quite a large amount of glass on the right side of the road. Way more glass than I am comfortable driving through. And for weeks I have complained about the people whose house the glass is right in front of. Some of my thoughts have ranged from “Why would they throw glass in the street in front of their house {translation: more importantly my street that I have to drive on}?!” to “Why are they so freaking lazy and won’t take the time to clean it up??”

As you can see, there has been very little grace in my thoughts. Honestly, most of my thoughts have been irrational and selfish. The amazing thing is that not once in the last few weeks did I think to go sweep up the glass myself. It was an absolute epiphany today when that idea popped in my mind (obvs God really put it there). Needless to say I drove home, grabbed a broom, and went back and cleaned up the glass. One reason? Because we are called to do good works. (Not even sure this example applies but it doesn’t negate the call to do good works.)

James 4:17 tells us that “anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” Not sure it gets more short and to the point. All too often I fall back to my old way of thinking. The thinking that a sin is only when I do something “wrong” (we like this view because it’s easier and affords us more control which we love). But oh, that we would realize that it’s so much more than that.

At Kairos last week I was reminded about what sin actually is. That week’s speaker, Dr. Thom Wolf, wasn’t even specifically speaking on sin but he made a particular point (one of many) that stuck with me. In my notes I wrote “Sin is a shot that is not a target reacher; it’s actually not even reaching the target, which is embarrassing.”

Sin is “to miss the mark.” It’s an archery term from back in the day. I often think of sin as this \/ \/:

photo 1

But that night, I was reminded that sin is actually this \/ \/:

photo 2(That’s a person, bow, arrows, and target btw)

Sin is not even reaching the target. It’s not merely shooting and not hitting the bullseye. It is when despite your greatest effort, your shot plows into the ground only 5 yds from you and 50 yds from the target. It encompasses the avoidance of some things, but just as much, it is the omission of things you should have done. And as I drove by that glass this morning I was nailed by this truth that I often want to skip over.

I don’t serve a god so small that He is out of touch with all parts of the daily grind. Instead I follow Christ who shows Himself daily in all parts of my life—the big and the small.

He’s not so unconcerned that I must separate the “sacred” from the “secular.” No, instead God is BIG enough to play the part in all areas of my life. Because of Him there is no separation of my “spiritual life” from my “regular life.”

For believers, God reminds us in Ephesians 2:10  that we are “God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to do.” Because God is good, it only makes sense that we, His offspring/representatives, are called to good works as well (to save us? . . NOOOOO –> Eph 2:8-9).

Point: we are called to do good works because God is good and does good works. He’s even gone as far as to set up opportunities for us to follow this call. We just have to look for them and then do them. When we do not do the good we should have, it’s another way in which we sin.

And sin is a big problem (understatement). It separates you from God whose bullseye is perfection. Anything less is equal to pulling back your bow, aiming your arrow, and shooting it 4 yds away from you. Luckily, God promises to empower you to do all the things that He requires of you. We can see it’s not by our own power but through His power in us.

So what good are you called to do today? This life isn’t about merely seeking our own desires. It’s about allowing the love of Christ to translate into action around you. Pray that He opens your eyes to see it and then DO IT!!!

photo 3(Post-glass clean-up)


{{If you made it this far you somehow survived the scribble which is my drawing talent. I apologize but somehow you survived. I would love to hear how this (or any of my other thoughts) play out/challenge/encourage you. Comment, email me, whatever.}}


Free will isn’t so freeing, huh?

How many people would get on a plane and after sitting in your seat in the back, go walk matter-of-factly to the cockpit? Upon arriving, to inform the stewardess that you need to help the pilot. And let’s say by some crazy chance the pilot just so happens to be opening the cockpit door. Who in their right mind would begin to tell him how to fly a plane?

Better yet, think if you said “let’s start this puppy and Ima show you how to drive this bad boy?!” N-O O-N-E would do that (hopefully). I promise even the dumbest person you know (Let’s be real. There are plenty of people who are, how shall I put this, doubly blessed in areas other than common sense) would realize how unwise this is. You don’t tell a professional how to function in his/her area (especially if you don’t know what you’re taking about). This is Common Sense 101.

But as I wrote this I realize how often I, in fact, try to tell God what’s best for my life. I tell Him to do this or that because I (in my narrow thinking) think it would be best. I think (and repentantly know) I can navigate better than God. But I (like the zero-experience having “pilot”) cannot see what’s going to come. I am not prepared for when life plays out differently from how I expected.

Rather than show faith (which I have no problem doing in all the other “non-spiritual” areas of my life) I want to take the wheel out of God’s hands. And guess what, He often lets me.

In my stupidity, I deceive myself into thinking I know best. There’s a little thing called freewill that enables us to choose to do what we wish. Often one of the worst places to be is wherever you end up after God lets you do what you wanted (Prov 14:12). So today I’m asking myself (and you) to reexamine my life. Am I truly letting God do what He wills with this life He has let me borrow? Do I steward my talents, opportunities, and influence well? Or do I make my own plans (outside of Him) and then have the audacity to say it was because of Him. . . . . Be real (especially to yourself).
